Silverbreeze LLC

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The Daemon

I will be using FreeBSD 11.1 from the downloadable ISO. To put it simply the -Release is already an Adventure. I will not make it nearly impossible by running the Alpha code of -Current. If you are running that you are more courgeous then I.

  1. Make your DVD or USB Stick
  2. Boot from the new Image
  3. Unless you have an odd keyboard, and you will know if you do just allow the default for KeyMap
  4. I strongly suggest setting the host name to a subdomain of a domain you control. It will help later if you start playing around with DNS
  5. When it asks about Distribution, I just select all as I have 500GB and will not notice
  6. I auto partion to Root on ZFS, as I am using the a complete disk for this project
  7. Out of habit of doing many alternative OSes. I update the Swap size to Double my physical RAM
  8. Due to this being a workstation and unlikely to be lost physically I do not encrypt the hard drives. Your needs may vary
  9. Hit Install and let it work
  10. I just allow the system to start by using DHCP and the IPv6 function that is basically the same thing. If I start a project that needs static. I will have a post about changing it
  11. Resolver Config
    1. I leave the search field alone
    2. There are four fields here.. One is preset to use your router. I change them all
    3. IPv6
      1. 2606:4760:4760::1111
      2. 2606:4760:4760::1001
    4. IPv4
  12. Set Clock to UTC No. I always have the system get weird and show my time on the date command as an hour earlier then my set Time Zone, even in the VERY FRIENDLY Linuxes , so there will be a reset your clock post on this project
  13. Start at Boot Time - star the following
    • ocal-unbound
    • sshd
    • ntpd
    • powerd
    • dumpdev
  14. Hardening Options
    I turn everything into clean, hide or disable except for SendMail. This is a habit from dealing with Servers. Honestly you should turn Sendmail off too. But I am too lazy to deal with PostFix this early into the project life
  15. create root user password
  16. Add your main user
  17. add wheel to your groups when asked. Any other group can be added later as needed. But forgetting wheel is ANNOYING to fix

Follow the prompts it will tell you when its going to reboot. I remove the DVD at the reboot BIOS splash screen

The next post will cover your first time in the system