Here lays the Sidetray

Try as it may
Found wanting

From the Depths of Hell...

From the Depths of Hell...

From Hell's heart I stab at thee. For Hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.

Where it began

I am an old nerd. I first learned programming on a Mini Computer...

No I don't mean a portable computer, and I definitely do not mean a laptop.

The Mini Computer was a UNIX system...

That is right I am so old my highschool taught Basic, Fortran, Cobol and Pascal on a Unix system and thin clients

Where it continued

Then there was the time of University... Once again UNIX

Where it changed

It was the age of the the AOL.

The beginning of the Web. And suddenly everyone is working in Visual Basic, Visual C++

There is even a Visual Pascal... Pascal!

Windows Ruled the World...

BeOS and Linux tried to fight...

Mac was dying... The great Visionary exiled from Apple

Visual Studio was King,

Microsoft has a Microsoft version of Java...

Open Source a dying sacrifice 

BSD Reborn

Microsoft and Bill Gates are God-Emperor of Computers

When suddenly the Exile returns and a dying Apple is reborn

This lead to OSX this lead to XCode and Objective C

Apple following the Roadmap of Microsoft

iDevice my Device

The era of the SmartPhone and the Tablet dawns

Most people barely use Laptops or Desktops unless its for "Work" or tasks that need a lot of power or add-ons

The age of Touch truly begins and again Visual IDEs are King

The Visionary has passed beyond the veil but still Apple rules all personal devices

Bill Gates has moved on to other passions and others rule Microsoft

The Internet is King

Change Burns

The year is 2018

Now we stand in a world where HTML has been replaced by CMS so completely, only geeks remember pure HTML.

Newspapers are nearly dead, Technology magazines truly and honestly are

iOS and Mac OS are beginning to merge

Linux is just about mainstream

The rigors of super tiny computers have brought efficient programming back to the forefront

Windows is on its Sickbed

I raise the Daemon

The circle is complete.

This old nerd returns to relearn coding without the fancy IDE

This is my story of setting up FreeBSD 11 on an Acer Laptop

My return to OpenSource to Hack the World



An Ember Reused

An Ember Reused

Creative Commons License
Eyes of Silverbreeze by Tomasz S Suchecki aka Puck Silverbreeze is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.