Here lays the Sidetray

Try as it may
Found wanting

Microsoft buys the company behind to-do app Wunderlist

Microsoft buys the company behind to-do app Wunderlist

Microsoft's quest to conquer the mobile productivity app world by acquiring it is still underway, it seems. A Wall Street Journal source claims that the folks in Redmond have bought 6Wunderkinder, better known as the creator of the to-do app Wunderlist

Microsoft prices Windows 10 licenses at $119 for Home, $199 for Pro

Microsoft prices Windows 10 licenses at $119 for Home, $199 for Pro

Ok, this is sweet

Creative Commons License
Eyes of Silverbreeze by Tomasz S Suchecki aka Puck Silverbreeze is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.